
Father, Dad, Tatínek, Tata : Many Names, but with One Meaning

Many names to call, but the meaning is just the same. Our dear Dads are the provider, the strong foundation of the family and somebody whom we can count on especially in times of trouble. Although not all Dads have these good traits, still they are our Dads.

We can say that our own father is a picture perfect of what a good father is. But sad to say, there is no such thing as a perfect dad. Dads are also human beings prone to committing mistakes. Just like how our father accepted our imperfections, their flaws deserve to be understood too. Its just a matter of give and take.

Come fathers day, we should see to it that we celebrate it with a bang! Not necessarily an extravagant celebration. A solemn one makes it memorable especially if your family is religious. But for a family who is always on the go, an outing of sort is best. Carry your favorite fathers day gifts basket to surprise him no end.

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